Vehicle owners are stored on a keychain which is automatically created when pairing a key. Core: Added missing synchronization for created weapons when restored with the entity storage system. DayZ > Workshop > Wardog's Workshop. Inside each mods you should find a "key" folder with a bikey for each mods (if the key already exist this is fine). Uploaded · January 20, 2023. They spawn in various locations across Chernarus and can be difficult to locate due to high player numbers. PsychoGaming Vehicles TraderFixesAndFeatures AimSounds Furniture Kits [1. c file, if you enable - bool loadTraderObjects = true; bool loadTraderNPCs = true; - then those locations get populated with trader bases. cfg file with EASY EDITOR option, scroll down to Mission Template field and select: Expansion. Meaning, no MMG gear should spawn on starting islands. BaseBuilding: Reduced network overhead of codelock user syncing. Mo. Core: Added missing synchronization for created weapons when restored with the entity storage system. 24. DayZ Expansion Animations add various animations for DayZ Expansion Weapons and DayZ Expansion Vehicles. - Crossbow animationsDayZ-Expansion-Licensed contains licensed material from Bohemia Interactive that has been licensed under ADPL-SA. NameTags: Faction names get now displayed for normal Non-AI quest NPCs if set in the quest NPCs configuration. Arma 2 Helicopters Remastered brings you the majority of the missing helicopters from Arma 2 directly into the DayZ Expansion vehicles framework. Any object (generators, spot lights etc) or base building that already exists will still have it's old timer. To be. . Vehicle owners are stored on a keychain which is automatically created when pairing a key. DayZ Expansion Core act as a foundation for all expansion mods and is required for all expansion mods. . Changed: AI: Refactored weapon firing to fire actual projectiles, leading to much less processing and network overhead in AI gunfights and proper audiovisual projectile impact effects. c. This is in the update: As already mentioned, DayZ Namalsk Expansion Servers can now be created. Supposedly whether they have all their parts or wheels doesn’t matter, but taking too many wheels off cam cause wobbling/unsteady interaction with the ground which, you guessed it, can cause damage/despawn. The keyspawning for the Vehicle is defined inside your TraderConfig. They allow for relatively easy travel, but are considered a high value object to all. All models have been ported while keeping the most. Arma 2 Helicopters Remastered brings you the majority of the missing helicopters from Arma 2 directly into the DayZ Expansion vehicles framework. The Mi-17 is also the only helicopter that is. DayZ Expansion is a feature-rich modification that brings many long-awaited features and quality of life improvements to DayZ. Paste the file inside the Server's 'keys' folder. I played dayz with my dad and there were a lot of cars spawned on the server we were playing, so we went on this epic adventure. Description. 8, //Damage Modifier for vehicles "mindmg": 1350, //Minimum Damage. The Gunter 2 is based on the VolksWagen Golf MKII. ZebskiGaming Jul 6, 2022 @ 7:42pm. 5 upon server restart helicopters have been reported to respawn at previous location once again needing to be. 10 Planks; Hatchet or hammer; 45 nails; 2 Lumber (3m) Ramp Kit; Ramps are especially necessary for the safe stowing of vehicles. New Weapons: - Crossbow - RPG-7 - M72 LAW - M79 grenade launcher - Taser X2 Defender - M9 - Karabiner 98K - Vityaz-SN PP19-01 - MP7 - Beneli M4 - DT11 - M14 Springfield - M1A SOCOM - PP-91 KEDR - MP5A2 - MP5SD - AWM - M16A4 - G36C New Optics:This is a simple mod that reduces the damage taken by vehicles in Dayz when vehicles crash, this should work on most vehicles, and works with the expansion mod. 6. This mod doesn't add any new content on it's own. Like vehicles, clothes, food, ect. they a bit outdated. Created by ฿Ⱡ₳₵₭ØɄ₮₴. DayZ-Expansion-Vehicles; DayZ-Expansion-Market; DayZ-Expansion-Book; Please refer to the below flowchart as a reference to tailor your experience: Select the "Mods" or "DZSALauncher" (if you use DZSALauncher that is) commandline, using the Bundle mod as an example we would enter the following:. chernarusplus). {"payload":{"allShortcutsEnabled":false,"fileTree":{"Template/Chernarus/expansion_ce":{"items":[{"name":"expansion_events. Th. Moved the vehicle parts to Expansion Vehicle mod (if you have a issue with Objects_Gear_Vehicles, remove the pbo of DayZ-Expansion from your server). Совместимо с актуальной версией Dayz и Dayz Expansion. {"payload":{"allShortcutsEnabled":false,"fileTree":{"Template/Enoch/expansion_ce":{"items":[{"name":"expansion_events. as an example: to implement a UAZ from the Expansion to your Traders you would need to do the following: Navigate to "ServerProfileFolder/Trader". This is a Community framework for DayZ SA. DayZ Expansion Animations add various animations for DayZ Expansion Weapons and DayZ Expansion Vehicles. The elevation appears to be automatic to whatever the ground is at the x and z. Jones Trader and Dayz Expansion mod. - Working dashboards. Main: Added back Expansion intro scenes and main menu logo/icons (all three can be turned on/off in GeneralSettings. Blacklist option for vehicles which you do not want to load onto the truck. With this license you are free to adapt (i. !!! DayZ Expansion:. ago. modify, rework or update) and share (i. as an example: to implement a UAZ from the Expansion to your Traders you would need to do the following: Navigate to "ServerProfileFolder/Trader". Changed: AI: Instantly react to players in a vehicle. Chat: Disabling all Expansion chat options now disables Expansion chat completely. A example types xml can be found in the info folder inside the mod. Ready for safe trading!. Changed: AI: Instantly react to players in a vehicle. Expansion also recommends a max player cap of 60 as well. 28. 主要是为了喜欢DayZ Expansion Mod的玩家制作的视频!. . Its not possible load locked cars and not possible load/unload car, while. modify, rework or update) and share (i. . 2. You can also store vehicles here, of which there are dozens of different ones in DayZ Epoch Enhanced. DayZ Expansion Lost Skins (Vehicles) Mod. Showcase of all air vehicles in the new DayZ Expansion Mod as well as their parts and interiors. It allows you (the server owner) to create storages on defined positions on the map where players can deposit and retrieve items that can only be seen by the owned player. We are not updating this list frequently. 5 vehicles spawning, and the values only allow 5 vehicles to exist in the map then any additional vehicles will despawn. I absolutely fel in love with the game so me and my friend, we decided to get own server. Disclaimer: UNOFFICIAL and experimental. Steam->DayZ->Right Click Play ->Play DayZ -> MODS. also, im getting a "cant compile "mission" script module that references the dayz expansion bookookooktabs. Ramps. any suggestion ? my mods order: start. About Press Copyright Contact us Creators Advertise Developers Terms Privacy Policy & Safety How YouTube works Test new features NFL Sunday Ticket Press Copyright. Still a work in progress, as are all of my mods. Only takes effect if "RandomReward" is set to true. ) not being available to other mods due to load order. etwas Jan 15, 2022 @ 11:09pm. pbo fehlt! Hier in den folgenden Schritten, werde ich euch möglichst genau erklären was Ihr zutun habt. most modded vehicles don't seem to take much damage, so that's an issue too (not sure if that's an modding limitation or just what they do). Feb 3 2020, 12:21 AM. Have street lights always been on in Chernarus?However, I re-added them after I removed DayZ Expansion from the server and everything worked fine together. DayZ-Expansion-Vehicles [ADDED]: Added per-vehicle settings for player attachment and weight of vehicle for towing (vehicle can be towed if it weighs less than the towing vehicle). Copy all this keys and paste them inside your keys folder (Also in your root directory of your server)Parking them on hills definitely can cause them to slide downhill, causing damage. - Debug settings. This mod also add a few features such as :. Related Tags: dayz 240 dayz standalone 30 dayz server 101 dayz modded 39. This mod contains Mi-8 helicopter model sample for DayZ Expansion mod. We take a look at every vehicle in the Expansion Mod. More accessible RP for joggers, groups, single wanderers. Animations: Player animations for vehicles and weapons are now in a separate mod DayZ-Expansion-Animations. Navigate to your Server's 'keys' folder. At the end of 2021, B. How to add expansion vehicles to vehicle spawner? I have no clue how to do. Arma 2 Helicopters Remastered brings you the majority of the missing helicopters from Arma 2 directly into the DayZ Expansion vehicles framework. Or your vehicle launched so far into the sky your friends lost sight of you? Well when the vehicle finally decides to come down from the sky and roll. More vehicles, reimagined locations, completely new types of vehicles such as helicopters and boats. same vehicle physics. With this license you are free to adapt (i. Public. How To Install A Local DayZ Server: To Install Expansion On A Local Server: Expansion. More vehicles, reimagined locations, completely new types of vehicles such as helicopters and boats. (adjust spawn rate - see below) - Expansion users should use this addon mod (adding compatibility with exp keys) Thx LAVA. This mod also add a few features such as : - Safezones. f752395 on Aug 20. ADDITONAL VANILLA CAR VARIANTS -->"," <!--. if they collide or slide or bounce (due to server lag), they may get ruined and despawn. This mod provide:. - Crossbow animationsThe expansion personal storage system is a storage system that works outside and different from the normal DayZ container/cargo system. With aerial vehicles a player count of 60 is very reasonable. vehicles parts Wayward Son 0 Oct 27 @ 7:33am Expansion Market Files The Doctor < > 114 Comments KevinH47 Sep 3 @ 2:06am Work with 1. I don't recommend using the player attachment feature at the moment, as it's been causing problems since 1. - Can behave as a team and follow a team lea. Атмосферные записки. DayZ-Expansion-Licensed contains licensed material from Bohemia Interactive that has been licensed under ADPL-SA. Changed: AI: Instantly react to players in a vehicle. json","path":"Profile/Traders/Clothing. has one of the largest public charging networks and the first cluster of public hydrogen fuelling stations in Canada. - Crossbow animationsPlay DayZ Namalsk with Expansion, thanks to the latest update. If you don't like it, don't use it. Sidenote: The ANPEQ15 currently can only work in singleplayer. While it’s not good from a hacking perspective, the vehicles won’t suffer as bad from server issues. It allows you (the server owner) to create storages on defined positions on the map where players can deposit and retrieve items that can only be seen by the owned player. . . It has 4 doors, and comes in 3 colors: Blue, Red, and Black. 6. Created by dab. This mod adds sounds to characters when they raise and lower their weapon. UPDATED VERSION: You now have to get the mission files for this github: Added parking fines in safezone (requires Expansion-Vehicles). For those very dark nights, the machines will glow. xml & cfgeventspawns. To Untow the vehicle, the action will also be with [F] and you will maybe need to use scrollwheel. All models and files are unbinarized and free to use for educational purposes as long as you adapt and share the material under ADPL-SA license. xml. This mod also add a few features such as :. 8. In DayZ Epoch Enhanced, you’ll use a familiar base-building system. Arma 2 Helicopters Remastered brings you the majority of the missing helicopters from Arma 2 directly into the DayZ Expansion vehicles framework. There are numerous vehicles present in DayZ, usually in poor repair or completely non-functioning. We’ve found 3 cars, fixed them with batteries, radiators, and spark plugs. With this license you are free to adapt (i. Expansion-Vehicles has the tractors you're looking for, as well as a bunch of other stuff. ChernarusPlus and SAVE Start your server This. The car keys come in several colours and they have a tag. AimSounds. What cars/vehicles would you choose to be your own Echo 1?. A small video on how to tow vehicles on your dayz server with expansion mod installed. Upon exiting the vehicle, you should be smoothly transitioned back into the 1st person camera. xml, then the most likely culprit is a laggy server or poor parking. This mod doesn't add any new content on it's own. DayZ Expansion Navigation introduce to the game map markers, compass hud and a GPS. xml. Browse all gaming. This only happens on modded servers running Expansion mod. Existing paired keys and vehicles get a keychain assigned when a player with key in inventory connects. This makes use of a modular design which allows other mods such as DayZ Expansion or DayZ HypeTrain to add their own menu’s for admins to have further control of their servers. If all the conditions listed above are correct, you will get the option to "Tow" the vehicle with [F] (you will see the prompt on the bottom left corner of your screen). 3. txt to import the content you. Have street lights always been on in Chernarus? Vehicles are used as a means of transportation for people over the terrains of DayZ and also as a means of item storage. • 3 yr. {"payload":{"allShortcutsEnabled":false,"fileTree":{"Template/Chiemsee/expansion_ce":{"items":[{"name":"expansion_events. Core: Added missing synchronization for created weapons when restored with the entity storage system. Houses have been given new interiors and exteriors as well as new lightning. A vehicle will need each of these files below changed (there is another method to include change as opposed to editing these files, but I'll skip that for now). BaseBuilding: Enabling COT or VPP admin tools now grants permission to build and dismantle in another player's territory. e. Just gotta edit them now which shouldn't take long. Code. I DO NOT give permission for this mod to be REPACKED, repurposed or added into server packs. This mod will be updated at my convenience and by using it you're agreeing to this. Changed: AI: Instantly react to players in a vehicle. Vehicle owners are stored on a keychain which is automatically created when pairing a key. 8, //Damage Modifier for vehicles "mindmg": 1350, //Minimum. Cars not starting. json","path":"Profile/Market/Assault_Rifles. With this license you are free to adapt (i. Community Online Tools allow you to teleport players, set player. Vehicle physics were not rewritten. This mod doesn't add any new content on it's own. - Crossbow animations. lava76 Removed black Alice backpack below ground. when the server restarts, vehicles are placed facing north and rotated into position. . Market: Added parking fines in safezone (requires Expansion-Vehicles). DayZ-Expansion-Licensed contains licensed material from Bohemia Interactive that has been licensed under ADPL-SA. 99. PVEZ Expansion Plugin Better Inspect VPP Admin Tools eAI Replicants Dayz Editor Loader Survivor Missions Bullet Stacks Plus Plus Enhanced Gas Pump Refueling CJ187 Cars MMG Mightys Military Gear CJ187 Gas Raid Siren Farming Plus 2. <active>0</active> you need to turn on the spawning like <active>1</active>. 33. DayZ-Expansion-Spawn. Covered car prevents disappearing during server restarts, because its static object without physics. 14. Go inside your server config at YourDayZServerProfile (or config) and delete the CommunityOnlineTool folder. Showing off how to play DayZ Expansion Mod in offline mode through steam also showing how to load the correct mods and parameters for DayZ Expansion. g. DayZ Expansion Spawn Selection add the ability to choose where you will spawn on the map and to let server owners to customise what gear the player will spawn with. The camonetting disappears from my hands but the heli isn’t. DayZ-Expansion-Vehicles Subscribe Description Helicopters - MH-6 Little Bird - Merlin - UH1H - Gyrocopter - Quack For additional helicopters, why not try Arma 2 Helicopters Remastered Boats - Zodiac - Utility (RHIB) -. Show incompatible items. The bar in the battery inventory should have a solid white line, all the way across for 100% and shorter for less charge. It is a mod created by talented developers to enrich the gameplay experience by providing players with more lootable items, hardcore elements, and of course, vehicles. r/dayz /r/dayz - Discuss and share content for DayZ, the post-apocalyptic open world survival game. DayZ-Expansion-Licensed contains licensed material from Bohemia Interactive that has been licensed under ADPL. My server is running this mod along with the standard car covers mod. This mod also add a few features such as :. Fully working instrumentation, lighting, transplants. Vehicles: Added per-vehicle settings for player attachment and weight of vehicle for towing (vehicle can be towed if it weighs less than the towing vehicle). In DayZ the Huey is olive drab and initially has a cracked windscreen which can be repaired with Windscreen Glass. copy,. Add the key to the server keys folder. Chat: Disabling all Expansion chat options now disables Expansion chat completely. Some features include rebalancing stamina, balanced trader, black market, more weapons and vehicles. copy, distribute or transmit) the material under the following conditions: • Attribution — You must attribute the material in the manner. Quests: Added "QuantityPercent" configuration value to determine the quantity of the spawned item for delivery objectives if the item has a quantity. /. The MV Coho is a ferry that travels between Port Angeles, WA and Victoria, BC. Last Hope is a DayZ server that you've always wanted. How To Install A Local Server: Mod Install Instructions: DabsFramework DeerIsle VPPAdminTools Code Lock CodeLock BaseBuildingPlus DayZ-Expansion-Core DayZ-Expansion-Licensed DayZ-Expansion-Animations DayZ-Expansion-Vehicles Care Packages Ear-Plugs GoreZ SNAFU Weapons UnknownGhillieMod WindstridesClothingPack VanillaPlusPlusMap Rev guns MMG. DayZ Expansion Core act as a foundation for all expansion mods and is required for all expansion mods. With the vehicle spawner you spawn completely fueled and finished Vehicles at the position of your curser. This is the first set of GUI based admin tools created by the developers of DayZ Community Offline Mode. This mod adds custom ATM machines for use with the DayZ Expansion mod. Created by JAD. DayZ Expansion has been updated to version 1. Sometimes the DayZ SA Launcher will say a mod is. Unsubscribe In 1 collection by DayZ Expansion. Vehicle owners are stored on a keychain which is automatically created when pairing a key. If Bohemia is to use this new engine for Arma 4. -1 = infinite master pairing uses; 0 = disabled. A list of changes are below! Added: - Added new Airdrop setting to display server wide map marker on the drop location. Default trader configurations for all Vanilla and Expansion items. e. json). Be sure. A battery can be pristine, but have no charge. {"payload":{"allShortcutsEnabled":false,"fileTree":{"Profile/Market":{"items":[{"name":"Assault_Rifles. WARNING: Install this after a vehicle wipe. DayZ. A Workshop Item for DayZ. - Crossbow animations - Beneli M. AirdropUpgraded (<- DayZ-Expansion has a Airdrop) 28. The icon gets displayed next to the trader type name on the upper left corner. The expansion personal storage system is a storage system that works outside and different from the normal DayZ container/cargo system. This is a simple mod that reduces the damage taken by vehicles in Dayz when vehicles crash, this should work on most vehicles, and works with the expansion mod. mod order doesn't matter and I doubt its a json file. Just break it down. A higher amount of existing vehicles will make the thirst more quenched. It allows you (the server owner) to create storages on defined positions on the map where players can deposit and retrieve items that can only be seen by the owned player. . Good luck!Hope you enjoy, rate and subscr. It allows you (the server owner) to create storages on defined positions on the map where players can deposit and retrieve items that can only be seen by the owned player. And all the expansion vehicles are in it, though in game they have [NOT READY] next to it. Only mod that implements deletions,. if you are sure you set the lifetime correctly and didn't make a typo in types. Another solution is to make sure you are subscribed to the mod in the first place. Today's video is a quick guide to the DayZ Expansion garage system that has been setup on Unforgiven DayZ. DayZ-Expansion-Licensed contains licensed material from Bohemia Interactive that has been licensed under ADPL-SA. Copy all this keys and paste them inside your keys folder (Also in your root directory of your server) I 've some problem with despawning vehicles ie Land ROVER- from expansion mod bundle. There are also several iconic ground vehicles from the DayZ mod era, such as Vodnik and tractor. Expansion Market Community File. but none of them have the option to start car. This is one of the most common cars along. With countless changes and additions to the game, DayZ Expansion is sure to change up the core gameplay a lot. Arma 2 Helicopters Remastered brings you the majority of the missing helicopters from Arma 2 directly into the DayZ Expansion vehicles framework. DayZ Expansion server errors So i bought a server the other day and started with the bare minimum mods: @CF;@Community-Online-Tools;@DayZ-Expansion-Core;@DayZ-Expansion;@DayZ-Expansion-Vehicles;@DayZ-Expansion-LicensedFixed Expansion mod defines (EXPANSIONMODCORE, EXPANSIONMODVEHICLE, EXPANSIONMOD etc. All models have been ported while keeping the most. "ColorMarketIcon": Controls main market trader icon color. My recomendation is getting rid of any vanilla scopes except PU, Kobra, PSO and 1PN51. All models have been ported while keeping the most. And while it doesn't look particularly large just to look at it, the line of v. DayZ Expansion Weapons. Note you can get these coordinates in game if your server has the debugmonitor enabled. Subscribe & Like - Enjoy your stay!Get your own DayZ server here : Expansion Mod is out now to download on the Steam works. . Here is the list of all the best Carcassonne expansions in the small category, because they are all worthwhile to try. Download the latest missions at Follow the instructions in the README_TUTORIAL. Other features. Play DayZ Namalsk with Expansion, thanks to the latest update. You can pair any keys to your already paired car. DayZ-Expansion-Missions. 457. TERMS OF. Good luck!Hope you enjoy, rate and subscr. . Search or Select Item Class Name. It allows you (the server owner) to create storages on defined positions on the map where players can deposit and retrieve items that can only be seen by the owned player. Hardline: Fixed an issue with players reciving reputation instead of losing it when killing a friendly player or AI (Player/AI from same faction or group/party member). #1GeorgeRomero PvE Zedland[Expansion-NO PVP/KOS/Kill=BAN-Missions] Few of the mods featured on the server are: ***** - Namalsk Map - DayZ Expansion - Survivor Missions - AirRaid - eAI - Trader - PvZmoD Dark Horde - Base Fortifications - Trolley Kart (find pieces and craft with Wrench) - Dead Shore Mutants - Frozen Corpses -. With this license you are free to adapt (i. - Added BarbedWireKit craft, combine two barbwire to craft a BarbedWireKit. Please note some files will only comeback if the folder is missing. Description. . 71 66 0 0 Updated Aug 20, 2023. Further information can be found here:. xml File with your favorit Text Editor. had more than. . Cars get wonky having to do with the client and server having to both run and sync a simulation of wheels/terrain (I think). A very situational potential alternative to MuchCarKey by Helkhiana, ClaimVehicles allows you to very simply mark a vehicle as belonging to you. {"payload":{"allShortcutsEnabled":false,"fileTree":{"Template/Chernarus/expansion_ce":{"items":[{"name":"expansion_events. Click "File Manager" then click the folders until you have navigated to profilesExpansionModSettingsClick the pencil icon to edit the relevant files, make sure to press save in the top left when done. Hey Guys. Added: All mods: Implemented new RPC system. REQUIRES DAYZ EXPANSION. If you need to know how to spawn in more hatchbacks, 4x4 Off Road Ada's or saloon cars, you just need to go into your events. BetterVendingMachines is a great addition to your server, if you're in search for amazing vending machines (and now ATMs). bombjack Oct 11, 2019 @ 6:14am. ATV - 2 Seats - 300 Slots - 6 Colors Landrover 110 - 7 Seats - 500 Slots - 7 Colors - Attachments: 3x WoodenCrate, WalkieTalkie, Jerrycan, SeaChest, Spare Wheel - The Walkie Talkie can be used while driving!Social distancing (from ground) for DayZ vehicles! So your heli or car is glitching through terrain/buildings or randomly flipping? No more! Works with official and 3rd-party Expansion helis and should work with any cars (vanilla/modded). - Crossbow animationsWARNING: Install this after a vehicle wipe. example/expansion/settings":{"items":[{"name":"BaseBuildingSettings. This is in the update: As already mentioned, DayZ Namalsk Expansion Servers can now be created. And. Subscribe. The keyspawning for the Vehicle is defined inside your TraderConfig. DayZ Expansion Animations add various animations for DayZ Expansion Weapons and DayZ Expansion Vehicles. DayZ Expansion AI is the direct follow up of the discontinued mod EnfusionAI which was discontinued. BaseBuildingPlus. DayZ Expansion Server Settings. Subscribe. Пишутся ручкой на бумаге, выдаются в. If all the conditions listed above are correct, you will get the option to "Tow" the vehicle with [F] (you will see the prompt on the bottom left corner of your screen). Subscribe to downloadBetterVendingMachines_Expansion. This includes improved base building and raid mechanics, a better variety of military items, and the addition of Helicopters, boats, and some classic dayz mod vehicles, like the UAZ. - Colored map (satellite) - 3D and 2D map markers - Compass hud - GPS hud - Player Position This mod can be combined with other DayZ Expansion mods to extend it's use. if you are sure you set the lifetime correctly and didn't make a typo in types. It allows you (the server owner) to create storages on defined positions on the map where players can deposit and retrieve items that can only be seen by the owned player. Server Hosters: YOU MUST LOAD THIS MOD AFTER EXPANSION'S MODS!Guerra Mundial Z - Lista de mods completa. - Crossbow animations27. DayZ. BaseBuilding: Base building is now a separate mod DayZ-Expansion-BaseBuilding. Chat: Disabling all Expansion chat options now disables Expansion chat completely. Fixed Expansion mod defines (EXPANSIONMODCORE, EXPANSIONMODVEHICLE, EXPANSIONMOD etc. Installing the mods. ) not being available to other mods due to load order. Ill look up a tutorial on how to get the files and where to put them. txt. Subscribe. You should see all your trader configs in there. 3rd - you now need to keep the tablet in your hands to. 1043 to the DayZ-Expansion mod. Shows you how to use the trader garage and what you. Related Categories: Gaming 34,276 Community 30,234. Compatible with DayZ 1. It is 100% working on the current DayZ 1.